Recently I've found myself making references to a small but growing collection of runnable SAPUI5 snippets that I've been collecting together, called "sapui5bin". It started from early discussions in this space on SCN, and I thought I'd try and capture the "executable output" of those discussions, blog posts and so on.
Here's a few examples of the bits and pieces that are contained in this repo:
- from my blog post "Jump to Shell Workset Item from URL" we have an example of URL-based Shell workset item navigation, improved upon by John Patterson
- from a discussion with Andreas Kunz we have a snippet that shows how to bind a Paginator control to a model
- from a YouTube video I recorded - "Re-presenting my site with SAPUI5" - we have an MVC style collection of code (blogui)
- conditional data binding from an early discussion in this space
John Patterson has kindly sent me a pull request (which I accepted and which he's subsequently updated) which represents an "OData Cart"
Please have a browse, clone the repository, try the examples and snippets out, and feel free to contribute too!
The repo is here:
Share and enjoy!