One way of dealing with #blogtheft from SDN - through images
I'm sure you're all aware of the recent #blogtheft issue - where some rogue has been lifting content lock stock and barrel from here and reproducing it - sans author name - on their website...
View Article"SAP Business ONE Implementation" - a review
I posted a review of Packt Publishing's "SAP Business ONE Implementation" by Wolfgang Niefert: review was...
View ArticleSAP and Google Wave - Conversation Augmentation
It's been pretty much six years to the day since Dashboard as extension to R/3 and SAPGUI client, Nat Friedman's project and implementation of a realtime contextual information system. So I thought it...
View ArticleA new REST handler / dispatcher for the ICF
One of the best underlying mechanisms to be introduced into the Basis / NetWeaver stack in the past few years is the Internet Communication Framework (ICF), which is a collection of configuration,...
View ArticleREST-orientation: Controlling access to resources
BackgroundUsing my A new REST handler / dispatcher for the ICF, I can adopt a Resource Orientated Architecture (ROA) approach to integration. This gives me huge advantages, in that I can avoid...
View ArticleTech Skills Chat with JonERP - A Follow-on Story
Sitting in a traffic jam on the A34 this week, twice, I got the opportunity to catch up with the excellent Enterprise Geeks podcasts. In one particular TechEd Phoenix episode "Tech Skills Chat with...
View ArticleREpresentational State Transfer (REST) and SAP
REST (which stands for REpresentational State Transfer) is an architectural style that is informed to a large extent by, but theoretically not limited to, the HTTP application protocol (yes,...
View ArticleMaking OData from SAP accessible with the ICM's help
I'm totally enamoured by the power and potential of SAP's NetWeaver Gateway, and all it has to offer with its REST-informed data-centric consumption model. One of the tools I've been looking at in...
View ArticleSAPUI5 says "Hello OData" to NetWeaver Gateway
So following a very interesting podcast from Rui Nogueira with SAP's Michael Falk and Tim Back on the HTML5-based UI Toolkit for SAP NetWeaver Gateway (aka "SAPUI5") earlier this month, a beta version...
View ArticleThe Developer Connection - Connect Like Never Before
(I posted this on my own blog on my way back from SAP #DKOM and a good friend suggested I repost it here too. So here it is).At SAP TechEd Madrid (November last year) I wrote about the Developer...
View ArticleBlog It Forward - DJ Adams
Well hello there. I guess if you're reading this you know already about the great Blog It Forward initiative here on SCN. I've been nominated by the great (Austrian!) Matthias Steiner on his BIF post,...
View ArticleOData Everywhere
We're well into Day 1 at SAP TechEd 2012 in Madrid, and while SAP NetWeaver Gateway has already been mentioned in this morning's keynote (even though the keynote was more Sapphire-focused than...
View ArticleJump to Shell Workset Item from URL
During SAP TechEd 2012 I attended CD163 "SAP HANA - Application Services Basics" which really helped firm up my knowledge of XS, thanks to the great presentation and exercises. What was interesting was...
View ArticlePublic Github repo 'sapui5bin' available
Recently I've found myself making references to a small but growing collection of runnable SAPUI5 snippets that I've been collecting together, called "sapui5bin". It started from early discussions in...
View ArticleGetting Started with SAPUI5: Alternative Guide
With reference to my recent post about the 'sapui5bin' repo on Github, I had also put together a Getting Started guide for SAPUI5 for some colleagues, with particular focus on getting up and running...
View ArticleSimple SAPUI5 Chrome icon for lazy developers like me
I created a Chrome "hosted app" manifest to get a large start page icon with which I could navigate directly to this excellent content resource. Now I can get to my favourite area on SCN in even less...
View ArticleHappy Birthday SCN, Old Friend
Happy Birthday, SAP Community Network, or, to give it it's original name (which gives you a clue to its origins) the SAP Developer Network - SDN. Finding myself sending birthday greetings to an...
View ArticleEngaging the Next Generation
As many of you might know (from my #YRS2013 tweets this month), I was involved again in Young Rewired State, an initiative that gathers kids all around the country, gives them a week-long opportunity...
View ArticleAn Amazing 36 Hours at SAP Labs Israel
I'm sitting in TLV airport waiting for my flight back to MAN via FRA. I've just spent a whirlwind 36 hours, more or less, in an amazing developer engine also known as SAP Labs Israel. Before I start...
View ArticleBuilding SAP Fiori-like UIs with SAPUI5
SAP TechEd 2013 is fast approaching, and the excitement is building. Interested in SAPUI5 (you're reading this blog post in the UI Development Toolkit for HTML5 Developer Center space on SCN already!),...
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